
I would like to introduce myself, I'm Geraldine Cunningham the Housing Manager for Bromford Living managing the Stechford & Kitts Green Estates.

As well as managing this estate I am also responsible for housing stock in Hall Green, Yardley, Acocks Green, Small Heath, Sparkbrook, Sparkhill, and Ladywood areas.

I have not yet had the opportunity to meet all residents living on the scheme so if anyone would like me to visit them please contact me.

I am very excited to be launching a new community engagement project in your area. I will be working in partnership with Connecting Neighbourhoods CIC to deliver a range activities and develop a range of opportunities for local residents to get involved in including activities for children and young people, training, environmental activities and the development of a 'neighbourhood' BLOG to keep you up to date and informed of useful news and information. To get more information about Connecting Neighbourhoods CIC visit www.connectingneighbourhoods.org 

We have decided to do this following feedback from customers about the lack of provision within the area for young people, and due to concerns raised about the appearance of the neighbourhood and anti-social behaviour
We do hope that you will get involved with the project and be part of making your neighbourhood a place to be proud of where people want to live and be involved in their community.

In my role as Housing Manager I also carry out regular site inspections to the area and if any residents would like to join me when I do carry out a walk about please contact me, details below.

If you know of any site improvements that would improve where you live please let me know. Either in email: geraldine.cunningham@bromford.co.uk or tel: 0330 1234 04